After pouring over all the original Thunderbolt material, I noticed that Fred had a speech idiosyncrasy. We all have idiosyncratic ways of saying things (for a writer it is part of their authorial voice and it was one of the ways they tracked and ultimately identified the Unibomber), and Fred had a distinctive way of commencing sentences – not always, of course, but often enough to become noticeable. Indeed, I had come to know it so well that when one newspaper article began its description of a robbery by saying that they were not sure if the robber was Thunderbolt or not, I said to myself that if the robber used Fred’s speech idiosyncrasy, I would know it was him. The robber did.
See if you can identify it. Fred used it three times in his responses to the questions asked at his interrogation.
Go to Frederick Ward’s Interrogation on Cockatoo Island.